About Rhea
I've been guiding Inner Journey sessions for over twenty years.
My insight and creative experience has evolved traditional hypnosis into a new form of spiritual inquiry.
Nouveau Hypnotherapy sessions invoke self-exploration, imagination, deep insight and transformation.
Watching my Clients connect with this part of themselves is so rewarding and profound.
It amazes me each and every time they connect with their Inner Creator, their Soul, their Truth.
Everything you need to change your life is within you!
From an early age, I felt there was something beyond what I experience with the five senses.
Desiring to connect with my own spiritual guidance on a deeper level,
I explored the mysteries of the unconscious through the process of Hypnosis.
This sparked an insightful journey to discover my own beliefs, challenges and
ultimately meet my inner wisdom. I continue to take myself on many spiritual retreats
determined to find more of my brilliant truth, more of my aligned Authentic Self.
During my searching and introspection, it was a bit frightening and
surprising to look at what I call my "dark side."
Although seeing my shadow side, which is basically, my beliefs made into fears,
I now realize is the pathway to finding my true freedom and liberation to be fully Me.
I found there is absolutely nothing I could discover about myself
that cannot be applied in a positive way.
I find that the definition I have of myself is ever changing and
I can now disassemble those "old" components to Re-imagine myself.
I've been guiding Inner Journey sessions for over twenty years.
My insight and creative experience has evolved traditional hypnosis into a new form of spiritual inquiry.
Nouveau Hypnotherapy sessions invoke self-exploration, imagination, deep insight and transformation.
Watching my Clients connect with this part of themselves is so rewarding and profound.
It amazes me each and every time they connect with their Inner Creator, their Soul, their Truth.
Everything you need to change your life is within you!
From an early age, I felt there was something beyond what I experience with the five senses.
Desiring to connect with my own spiritual guidance on a deeper level,
I explored the mysteries of the unconscious through the process of Hypnosis.
This sparked an insightful journey to discover my own beliefs, challenges and
ultimately meet my inner wisdom. I continue to take myself on many spiritual retreats
determined to find more of my brilliant truth, more of my aligned Authentic Self.
During my searching and introspection, it was a bit frightening and
surprising to look at what I call my "dark side."
Although seeing my shadow side, which is basically, my beliefs made into fears,
I now realize is the pathway to finding my true freedom and liberation to be fully Me.
I found there is absolutely nothing I could discover about myself
that cannot be applied in a positive way.
I find that the definition I have of myself is ever changing and
I can now disassemble those "old" components to Re-imagine myself.